Laghi Gemelli

Yesterday's hike left me with slightly sore legs, which is usual, and prickly eyes because it was a sunny windy day. I went up to the Laghi Gemelli hut from Roncobello, a couple of hours' hike, and like last week, I did it by myself because the friends I met on Friday night were not too keen to join me.

I was all right save one mistake I could have avoided had I been in the company of a friend. In order to walk more comfortably I kept my trainers on, neglecting the possibile presence of snow, which on the contrary started to appear in large patches just over the pass. It was trodden, at least, so there was little risk of sinking, but it made a slippery surface to walk on in treadless shoes, which, additionally, got quite wet because they were not waterproof.

When I got to the cross at the pass I spotted another hiker wearing low shoes and commented to him that we'd made the wrong choice for the day. I can say to my advantage that I felt so much comfortable not walking in stiff boots.

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Appropriate merriment?

If people were shocked and outraged at seeing the euphoric merriment in some cities of the Arab world when the news of the Twin towers attack became known, I was no less shocked and outraged at seeing the same behaviour among US citizens now that the wicked mastermind has been reported killed. Rejoicing in a man’s death is barbarian, and it is no excuse to say the executed person was the deadliest criminal. 

The concept of crime, which is the result of a disruption of the natural order, is intrinsecally linked to the vengeance that has to be exacted from the wrongdoer. According to a rudimentary concept of justice based on equal treatment, what you illegitimately take from someone must find a compensation of the same kind: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, they used to say. This mentality, which could be labelled as archaic, survives not only in many world cultures, but is probably tucked away in the depth of our own selves, a pent-up feeling that we are ready to publicly disown to more advanced principles of  peace and civilisation.

A step towards the building of a different social order was set by the principle of forgiving, exemplified in its utmost degree in the recommendation to turn to whoever strikes you on the right cheek the other also. Is exceptionally hard to realise, but it is such a revolutionary idea that it could be considered as a distinguishing principle of Christianity, one of the most innovative and modern ideas that were put forward, together with equality between men.

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Rifugio Coca

Last Sunday I climbed up to Rifugio Coca. My hiking companions were busy with other things over the weekend, but I was undeterred and set out by myself. I had even thought of leaving on Saturday and sleeping at the hut at nearly 1900 m, but when I rang them up they said that, although the path from the valley is now clear, from the hut upwards there is still snow and you need rackets to move about. Not having a pair, I decided on the day trip. 

Sunday at 7 am looked like promising weather, a blue sky and crisp early morning air gave me a lift for a good hike. I drove the 60 km to Valbondione and parked the car just at the start of the path where a sign gives the number of the trail and indicates 2 and a half hours’ walking time. The path is relentless: the 879 m drop is overcome in one steady ascent.

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37 years

37 years is certainly a long time, but it sounded more like eternity in the circumstances in which I heard this timespan mentioned.

I was about to attend a work meeting and was waiting with my colleagues for the speaker to arrive. A few older ones around me were talking about retirement, a topic that in itself denotes a certain tiredness and dwindled interest in one's present professional situation. One said that were he given the opportunity to retire now, he would leave at once.

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Pastiera napoletana

I’m not a fan of eating out and usually prefer shopping for my groceries and cooking the food I eat. Maybe this is why I've taken a real pleasure in cooking lately, launching into enjoyable concocting sprees with mostly excellent results, at least to my palate! In the wake of this enthusing experience, as Easter day approached, I wondered whether I should make a particularly elaborate cake called Pastiera napoletana. I’d already given birth to this creature two years ago with encouraging results, but in my memory the preparation was quite lengthy and I dreaded getting down to work again. However the ayes within myself prevailed and on Good Friday I went out in search of what I needed.

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